Japanese(JP)Slovenčina (Slovenská republika)English (United Kingdom)
Marek Ormandík


Marek Ormandík

Marek Ormandík: painter, sculptor, printmaker, book illustrator and graphic designer, was born in 1968 in Bratislava, Slovakia. At the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava he studied with Professors Lebiš, Rumanský, and Kállay. He has participated in numerous exhibitions in important galleries such as the Danubiana (Čunovo, Slovakia) in 2006, the Town Gallery of Tula in Russia with Milan Ormandík in 2007, the Koloman Sokol Centre (Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia), the Orava Gallery (Dolný Kubín, Slovakia) with Dávid Čársky in 2008, the Kosovel House (Sežan, Slovenia), the House of Art, (Bratislava), the Art Club of Slovakia (Bratislava) in 2010, and in 2011 at the Atelier Vote in Vienna.

Some examples of the many awards he has recieved in his country are the Meulensteen Art Award in 2007, the Martin Benka Award in 2008 and the Award for Art at the Crystal Wing. He has also been nominated at the Tatra Banka Foundation for Art.

The following works are a sample of the artist's work.
Works exhibited at the exhibition "From Hand to Hand" You can see in the gallery.