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Noémi Ráczová


Noémi Ráczová

Noémi Ráczová was born in 1972 in Košica, Slovakia. She studied at the College of Education of the Comenius University and then continued her studies in graphic art at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava. Her first illustrations for children were published weekly in the Slovak magazine "Vasárnap" for more than five years.

She has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Italy, Hungary, Spain, the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic and has conducted many workshops. Noémi teaches Graphic Design, Graphic Technology and Computer Art at the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Kosice. She loves to experiment with different classical and digital techniques. Her daughter Sophia is the strictest critic of her art work. Here is a list of selected works from the many titles that she has illustrated: Noémi Ráczová (text and illus.),“Neskutočný zverinec” (Incredible Menagerie), VŠVU, 1997 Kövesdi Károly (text), “Verses ábécé “ (Poetic ABC), Méry Ratio, 1999 Jana Bodnárová (text), “Malí, väčší ešte väčší” (Small, Bigger and Bigger), Agentúra K, 2000 Tóth Elemér (text), “Hol laknak a sunik?” (Where do the Hedgehogs Dwell?), Lilium aurum, 2005 Jaroslav Strnad (text), “Pohádky” (Fairy Tales), 2010 Eva Polivka (text), “Die abenteuerliche Buchstabenreise des Prinzen Sahir” (The Adventures of Prince Sahir in the Kingdom of Letters), 2011

The following works are a sample of the artist's work.
Works exhibited at the exhibition "From Hand to Hand" You can see in the gallery.