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Harriët van Reek


Harriët van Reek

Harriët van Reek was born in 1957 in the southern Dutch city
of Leiden and studied fine art in The Hague and Amsterdam. She now works as an artist and makes children books, videos, animation theatre-performance while teaching Visual Communication at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zwolle. Harriët won the Golden Pencil Award for her first book 'The Adventures of Lena lena” in 1987,
and the Silver Brush Award in 2002 for “Bokje”. Harriët comments on her works as follows: “I make a book about every five years, because there is always something on my mind which tells me to do so. My last book ‘Letterdreaming with Do’ (2007), is about my preoccupation with handwriting and letters. I write and draw my books myself. Beside making books I work as a free-lance designer, animator and performer in the arts.”

The following works are a sample of the artist's work.
Works exhibited at the exhibition "From Hand to Hand" You can see in the gallery.