Japanese(JP)Slovenčina (Slovenská republika)English (United Kingdom)
Few words about the Project

Nana Furiya and Petra Uchnár’s exhibition project “From Hand to Hand”: Message 11. 3. 2011“ has a highly human message. In regard to the tragic events in Japan, this project is quite actual, because its aim is to answer the essential question ,“How can art help people in a hopeless situation?”

Thus“how can visual art which brings no material advantage help people who lost the roof above their head and as well as lost the meaning to live?

One of the answer can be in the purpose of this charitable exhibition;

The art works for the exhibition will be assigned for sale. The proceeds will be donated to the people stricken by catastrophe in Japan.

But, this is only the secondary aim.

The primary purpose of the exhibition is that “how can the phenomenon of art positively influence the life of people who are in total despair.”

We can discover the answer in the fact that art develops emotional intelligence which has spiritual value.

Art can be a help to the recent consumption society and should be able to contribute to build a new society based on spiritual values.